Postado por James Spafford

A Double Fine e a Bandai Namco Trazem RAD Para o PS4 Ainda Este Ano

James Spafford Senior Communications Manager, Double Fine Productions

Lute Até a Morte em Gang Beasts, Chegando ao PS4 no Dia 12 de Dezembro

James Spafford Senior Communications Manager, Double Fine Productions

22 Anos Depois, Full Throttle Remastered Chega Hoje no PS4, PS Vita

James Spafford Senior Communications Manager, Double Fine Productions

Day of the Tentacle Remastered Chega Hoje ao PS4 e PS Vita

James Spafford Senior Communications Manager, Double Fine Productions

O Clássico Psychonauts Chega ao PS4 no Outono Deste Ano

James Spafford Senior Communications Manager, Double Fine Productions

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin Revelado para PlayStation VR

James Spafford Senior Communications Manager, Double Fine Productions

Primeiro Trailer de Day of the Tentacle Remastered Estreia na PS Experience

James Spafford Senior Communications Manager, Double Fine Productions
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